
Aerodynamic design research on slat coves

  • 摘要: 对5种不同缝翼内型的“前缘缝翼+固定翼+后缘襟翼”三段翼型进行了分析。这些三段翼型的唯一差别在于各自前缘缝翼内型形状不同,在基本缝翼内型基础上进行了一些修型,从而下表面尖点位置也相应变动。采用基于雷诺平均N-S方程的自研软件CCFD-MB进行了详细的CFD模拟,得出缝翼内型对多段翼型的雷诺数影响、失速特性、升力、阻力等气动特性的相关影响。对选取缝翼内型给出建设性结论:某些缝翼内型可能导致不利的雷诺数影响;缝翼内型修型设计,能保证其气动效率不受影响,甚至一定程度的提高,并具有很好的降噪潜力;常规的缝翼内型在气动上不是最佳选择,但气动上的损失还可以接受。最后,从气动、结构的角度阐述了缝翼内型修型设计的可行性。


    Abstract: Five different three-elements airfoils which contain slat, fix foil and flap were analyzed. The only difference of those three-elements airfoils is the shape of the slat coves, which are faired to five shape, and the cusps are changed with the fairing accordingly. Using the RANS simulation of the in house CFD tool “CCFD-MB”, the relative aerodynamic characters of the coves, such as the Reynolds effects, the stall behaviors, the lift and the drag coefficients, were analyzed. Some of the similar researches done by Boeing and DLR were also mentioned in the document as reference work. The paper indicates some beneficial results: some kinds of the slat coves may lead to negative Reynolds effects; some kinds of cove fairings provide better aero efficiency and potential noise reduction tendency; the normal slat coves wildly adopted in industry design are not the best choices from the point of aerodynamic, yet the aerodynamic characteristic are acceptable. Some suggestions on the choice of slat coves were given according to the consideration of aerodynamic and structure.


