
Field measurement study on wind characteristics of strong windstorm in coastal terrain

  • 摘要: 基于近海岸100m测风塔获取的近海面地貌条件5个不同高度风速数据。以10m标准高度平均风速大于10m/s为强风标准,选取台风和季风风场强风样本,应用Bootstrap统计分析法,对强风条件下近地层平均风剖面、湍流强度剖面、湍流特征参数进行分析,探讨了台风和季风条件下这些参数的差异,并将实测结果与风荷载规范规定值进行比较,检验风载荷规范的适宜性。分析结果表明:近地边界层的平均风剖面符合指数律或对数律,台风和季风风剖面指数分别约为0.12和0.06;近地平均湍流度剖面符合指数律,台风风场各高度平均湍流度与现行规范相接近;台风风场各高度阵风因子均值较风荷载规范推算值要大,但季风风场阵风因子均值与规范推算值相接近。


    Abstract: Mean wind speed and wind turbulence characteristics of strong winds in surface boundary layer were studied by bootstrap method based on strong wind data sample in accordance with 10m height and mean wind speed higher than 10m/s. The strong wind data were recorded from 100m meteorological tower at sites near seashore with strong wind conditions and coastal terrain. The major objective of the paper is to further understand differences between near ground typhoon-generated and monsoon wind characteristics. Furthermore, the estimated wind profile and turbulence profiles were compared to those stipulated by wind loads Standard to verify the suitability of the wind load specification.The results reveal that in the near-surface range vertical distribution of mean wind speed can be well described by a logarithmic law and a power law. The mean values of exponent of the power-law profile are 0.12 and 0.06 for the coastal terrain in the typhoons and monsoon wind climates, respectively. The variation of the mean longitudinal turbulence intensity with varing height approximately follows a power law. The mean value of longitudinal turbulence intensity at five heights was fitting the results of the turbulence intensity profile. The profile is which was approximately same as that stipulated in wind loads Standard for coastal terrain exposure. Meanwhile, the measured gust factor of typhoons is larger than that stipulated in wind loads Standard for the coastal terrain exposure, but for the monsoon, it is close to the code value.


