
Research progress and considerations in the research of non-stationary turbulent characteristics of typhoon wind fields

  • 摘要: 台风湍流特性研究一直是结构风工程领域的重点研究方向之一。与传统良态风存在明显差异,台风是具有突出非平稳特性的特异风场,其湍流特性十分复杂,难以采用良态风场参数对其进行表征。基于国内外长期现场实测与分析所取得的成果,本文对台风非平稳湍流特性的研究进展进行综述,归纳总结台风非平稳湍流特性的分析方法及参数模型。首先,回顾了平稳与非平稳风速模型,对比分析二者之间的特点与区别,并介绍时变平均风速的有效确定方法。随后,针对湍流典型统计特征参数,从湍流强度、湍流积分尺度、演变谱密度、时变相干函数等方面阐述台风非平稳湍流特性的研究进展,并重点讨论当前面临的困难与挑战。最后,对台风非平稳湍流特性有待进一步深入研究的问题进行展望。


    Abstract: The turbulent characteristics of typhoon wind fields has been a vital research focus in the field of structural wind engineering. Unlike the conventional boundary-layer wind fields, the typhoon is an exceptional wind field with extremely complicated non-stationary features that cannot be characterized by the parameters of statistically stationary wind fields. Based on the domestic and overseas achievements on long-term field measurements and accompanied analyses, this paper presents a review on the advances in the research of non-stationary turbulent characteristics of typhoon wind fields, aiming to summarize the approaches and models to characterize the non-stationary wind characteristics. Firstly, models for stationary and non-stationary wind speeds are reviewed, and the approaches to determine time-varying mean wind speeds are introduced. Secondly, advances in characterizing the turbulence intensity, turbulence integral length, evolutionary power spectral density, and time-varying coherence of non-stationary turbulence of typhoon wind fields are illustrated. Challenges in characterizing these statistics are emphatically discussed. Finally, problems that deserve a further in-depth research are proposed in allusion to the non-stationary characteristics of typhoon wind fields.


