
Engine cooling fan layout study of a medium size pickup truck

  • 摘要: 冷却风扇作为汽车发动机冷却模块的关键部件,其空间位置直接影响机舱内的流场结构,决定了通过散热器的空气流量,进而影响发动机的散热性能。为了确定既定冷却风扇在某新车型机舱内的最佳布局,以散热器流量及流量波动为目标,以风扇的空间坐标位置为变量,面向流场结构进行了布局优化。首先,通过试验设计方法生成初始设计样本点并进行几何参数化建模;然后,针对实际工况需求,选择关键车速条件,进行发动机舱内流场的CFD仿真,基于仿真结果建立Kriging代理模型;最后,以散热器进口流量和流速标准差为目标进行多目标优化,通过遗传算法获取Pareto最优解集,基于高维参变量可视化技术进行了结果分析,为机舱内零部件的布局决策提供了有价值的参考。研究结果显示了冷却风扇沿车行进方向的位置改变与散热器流量的显著相关性,为新车型冷却风扇的布置方案提供全局最优性的理论支撑。


    Abstract: The cooling fan, a critical component of the automotive engine cooling module, holds utmost significance in influencing the engine's cooling efficiency, particularly in high-power diesel engines. Its precise positioning has a direct impact on the flow field structures in the engine compartment, the airflow through the radiator and consequently, the engine's heat dissipation performance. In this study, an optimization method is developed to determine the optimal placement of a cooling fan in a new engine compartment. This method aims to refine the layout and flow field structures by closely examining the radiator flow and flow fluctuations, with the fan's position as the variable. The optimization process begins by generating initial design sample points using experimental design methods, followed by geometric parametric modeling. Next, typical vehicle speeds are selected to simulate flow fields in the engine compartment under actual working conditions. A Kriging surrogate model is then established based on the simulation results. A multi-objective optimization is subsequently carried out, aiming to achieve the desired radiator inlet flow and standard deviation of flow rate. The Pareto optimal solution set is obtained through a genetic algorithm, and the results are analyzed using multi-dimensional parameter variable visualization method, which provides a valuable reference for the layout decision of parts in the cabin. The results demonstrate a significant correlation between the positional change of the cooling fan along the vehicle's travel direction and the radiator flow. This correlation provides theoretical support for the global optimality of the layout scheme of the new model's heat dissipation module.


