
Application of γ-Reθ transition model for high-speed flow based on high-order WCNS platform

  • 摘要: 为研究γ-Reθ转捩模型在超高速流动中的适用性问题,本文基于WCNS高精度软件平台开展γ-Reθ转捩模型的修正在超高速流动中的应用研究。首先,针对超高速湍流平板开展了二阶和五阶格式的对比研究,结果表明:高阶算法对网格分辨率要求更低,计算花费更小,对摩擦阻力系数等关注量模拟得更加精准;相比RANS方程,湍流模型方程对格式精度更敏感,更需要高精度离散。其次,在WCNS高精度软件平台上分别针对SST湍流模型和γ、Reθ输运方程以及Prt进行超高速修正,通过不同马赫数的平板、尖锥算例进行了数值验证,尖锥算例考虑了等温壁和绝热壁两种壁面条件,数值结果与实验值吻合较好。最后,相比于传统的γ-Reθ转捩模型,SST湍流模型修正有效改善超高速湍流区域摩擦阻力计算结果,且预测的转捩位置比其他修正方法要提前一些;γ、Reθ输运方程的Ma修正大大改善了对于超高速流动转捩位置的预测;Prt修正有效改善超高速流动转捩区域和湍流区域绝热壁温的预测准度,对于等温壁的热流预测也稍有改进。


    Abstract: The prediction of boundary-layer transition is crucial for designing high-speed aircraft, yet high-fidelity high-speed transition prediction models with broad application prospects are still not available. While extensive efforts have been directed towards modifying the γ-Reθ transition model, which has proven effective in low-speed flows, for its application in high-speed scenarios, these refined γ-Reθ models continue to encounter challenges in attaining widespread application. To develop a more practical engineering transition model, we have implemented a high-speed correction to the γ-Reθ transition model, leveraging the high-order WCNS platform. Firstly, we compared the performance of second and fifth-order schemes in simulating a high-speed flat-plate turbulent boundary layer. The results reveal that the higher-order scheme delivers more accurate results, even with a coarse grid, evidenced by its precise prediction of the skin friction coefficient. This underscores the importance of employing high-order schemes for discretizing the turbulence model. Then we refined the SST turbulence model, the transport equations of γ and Reθ, as well as the turbulent Prandtl number (Prt), yielding results in line with experimental data in a wide range of Mach numbers, geometries, and wall thermal conditions. The obtained transition model exhibits not only high accuracy in predicting the transition position but also the aerodynamic force/heat downstream of the transition front. Finally, compared to the original γ-Reθ transition model, the modified SST turbulence model can effectively improve the skin friction prediction accuracy in the turbulent area, and limited improvement on the transition location. Notably, the Ma-modified γ and Reθ transport equations have significantly improved the prediction accuracy of the transition location. Furthermore, the modified Prt effectively improves the adiabatic wall temperature in transitional and turbulent regions but slightly improves the heat flux on isothermal walls.


