
Influence mechanism of propellant micro-jet cooling on high-temperature non-equilibrium aerodynamic heating

  • 摘要: 飞行器在高速飞行中可利用自身携带的推进剂通过微孔射流实现冷却,达到主动热防护效果,但在高温非平衡流条件下可压缩外流与微射流交汇、射流排挤/掺混/反应多过程交织,微射流冷却主导性机制和影响因素复杂。建立了微射流黏性壁面边界模型,开展了微射流作用下高温非平衡流场数值模拟。研究发现高温非平衡流条件下推进剂微射流冷却由边界层排挤、多相催化弱化两个基本过程主导:(1)低温微射流喷出对边界层产生排挤作用,改变边界层剖面形态,降低紧邻壁面处的温度法向梯度,从而降低壁面法向导热,实现冷却;(2)低温氧分子工质微射流排挤近壁氧原子,弱化氧催化效应,导致催化热降低。进一步参数化研究发现:质量流量不变,增大射流孔大小,降热率与冷却范围均下降;射流孔面积不变,增大微射流速度,降热率与冷却范围增大;质量流量不变,减小孔间距,展向平均降热率峰值减小,但孔下游冷却范围增大,呈现较均匀的冷却效果。以上研究可对未来微射流冷却主动热防护的设计与优化提供重要的理论支撑和技术参考。


    Abstract: In high-speed flight, the aircraft can use its own propellant to cool through the micro-hole jet to achieve active thermal protection. The interaction between the compressible external flow and micro-jets under high-temperature non-equilibrium conditions involves complex processes of jet extrusion, mixing, and reactions. This study aims to elucidate the dominant mechanisms and influencing factors of propellant micro-jet cooling. We establish a viscous wall boundary model for micro-jets and conduct numerical simulations of high-temperature non-equilibrium flow fields under micro-jet influence. The simulations reveal the impact mechanisms of micro-jets on chemical reaction boundary layers, wall heterogeneous catalysis, and aerodynamic heating characteristics. The findings indicate that propellant micro-jet cooling under high-temperature non-equilibrium flow conditions is dominated by two key processes: boundary layer crowding and heterogeneous catalytic weakening. Specifically, the low-temperature micro-jet ejection crowds the boundary layer, altering its profile and reducing the temperature gradient near the wall, thus decreasing wall-normal heat conduction and achieving cooling. Additionally, the crowding-out effect of the low-temperature micro-jet promotes the outward displacement of near-wall O atoms, weakening the oxygen catalytic effect and reducing catalytic heat. Further parametric study shows that when the mass flow rate is constant, the heat reduction rate and cooling range decrease with the increase of jet hole size. When the area of the jet hole is constant, the micro-jet velocity is increased, and the heat reduction rate and cooling range are increased. When the mass flow rate is constant and the hole spacing is reduced, the peak value of the spanwise average heat reduction rate decreases, but the cooling range downstream of the hole increases, showing a more uniform cooling effect. These findings provide crucial theoretical support and technical guidance for the design and optimization of active thermal protection systems utilizing micro-jet cooling in future high-speed vehicles.


