火星条件下DBD激励对NACA 0012翼型气动特性的影响

Effect of DBD plasma excitation on aerodynamic characteristics of the NACA 0012 airfoil

  • 摘要: 火星大气季节性波动,导致火星无人机翼型升力衰减。通过数值模拟方法,在火星低雷诺数、高马赫数条件下探究介质阻挡放电(dielectric barrier discharge,DBD)等离子体激励的作用位置和激励参数对NACA 0012翼型升力的影响。结果表明,翼型上壁面处的激励具有显著的增升效果,且最佳增升位置与攻角密切相关。攻角5°工况时,尾缘处激励的增升效果最好,增升率为106%;攻角15°工况时,前缘处激励的增升效果最好,增升率为44%。增加激励频率和电压可进一步强化DBD激励的增升效果。DBD激励提高翼型升力的作用机理包括:抑制翼型流动分离、扩大翼型上下壁面压差和改变流场涡量分布。


    Abstract: The Martian atmosphere exhibits seasonal fluctuations that result in a reduction in the lift generated by the airfoil of Martian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The present simulation examines the impact of plasma excitation locations and excitation parameters of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) on the lift of the NACA 0012 airfoil at the Martin condition with low Reynolds number and high Mach number. It was discovered that excitation at the upper wall surface can markedly enhance the lift of the airfoil, with the optimal position depending on the angle of attack. The optimal excitation position for the 5° angle-of-attack condition is at the trailing edge (i.e., xp = 0.9c), resulting in a 106% lift gain, while that for 15° is at the leading edge (i.e., xp = 0.1c), yielding a 44% gain. The lift enhancement provided by DBD excitation can be further improved by increasing the excitation frequency and voltage. The mechanism of DBD excitation can be interpreted in three ways: firstly, by suppressing flow separation of the airfoil; secondly, by enlarging the pressure difference across the top and bottom walls; and thirdly, by modifying the vorticity distribution around the airfoil.


