Conic curve is mostly used in traditional aircraft design process due to its good geometric characteristics, but its ability of shape deformation is limited to its single control parameter, while flexible shape deformation is the main characteristic of NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) curve. According to the configuration layout and the ergonomic constraints in the aircraft design process, NURBS curves and surfaces are used to implement shape parameterization and to generate flexible geometries for the forward fuselage, where related constraints are embedded in the parametric model. Relative lengths and angles are used to describe the control points of NURBS curves, CFD analysis is performed and the parameters are optimized to gradually reach a satisfactory forward fuselage shape. In addition, a transverse control curve is added at windshield area to further improve the local airflow. The results indicate that: it is a rapid and convenient way to obtain a desired shape by combination of the methods of NURBS and CFD; it's more flexible to control shape. Adding transverse control curve can improve the local airflow at the windshield area.