Experimental investigation on static aeroelastic was carried out in high speed wind tunnel using glass fiber models and carbon fiber models respectively. Flexibility matrix, aerodynamic force, pressure, bending/torsion strain signals and bending/torsional deformations of models are measured. Experience is accumulated for developing high speed wind tunnel static aeroelastic experimental techniques such as stiffness test, bending/torsion strain signals gauging, videogrammetric model deformation and wind tunnel total pressure control. The investigation shows:comparing with rigid model, lift curve slope and aileron/flap efficiency of static aeroelastic model decrease, aerodynamic center of static aerodynamic model shifts forward, pressure distributions of static aeroelastic model change significantly; static aeroelastic wing model bending/torsion strain signals, which can be used to analyze aerodynamic loads, are nearly linear variation with attack angle at small attack angles, for lift coefficient and pitching moment coefficient of static aeroelastic wing model change linearly with attack angle at small attack angles; at the positive attack angle, effective angle of attack decreases due to torsional deformation for high-aspect-ratio backward-swept wing static aeroelastic model, wing section bending/torsional deformations gradually increase as wing section position varies from wing-inboard to wing-tip.