
Model flight test technology for post-stall maneuver of advanced fighter

  • 摘要: 具有过失速机动能力的战斗机在近距空战中能够取得快速占位、先敌瞄准、有效规避攻击的战术优势,是先进战斗机的标志性性能要求。模型飞行试验技术作为空气动力学研究三大手段之一,在解决飞行器技术难题、实现技术创新方面发挥了重要作用。本文介绍了中国空气动力研究与发展中心利用带动力自主控制模型飞行试验平台发展的过失速机动模型飞行试验技术,以及开展的先进战斗机构型典型过失速机动模型飞行试验,分述了在大迎角非定常气动建模、宽量程气流系参数测量、大迎角非线性控制、推力矢量控制、大迎角非定常气动参数辨识方面的研究工作与解决这些关键问题的技术途径。通过此项研究,在国内首次实现了先进战斗机构型缩比模型典型过失速机动飞行,相关研究成果可为先进战斗机实现过失速机动飞行能力提供有力的技术支撑。


    Abstract: The post-stall maneuverability is a standard performance requirement for advanced fighters, and fighters with such ability possess tactic advantages in the close-range air battle, such as the fast occupancy, rapid acquiring, and agile evading. The model flight test is an important approach for the aerodynamics research, and it may play a vital role in addressing technical challenges of aircrafts development. In this paper, the post-stall maneuver model flight test technique upon the powered autonomous control flight platform, developed by the China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, is introduced. The complete post-stall maneuver model flight test for an advanced fighter is demonstrated. Studies are expounded regarding the high angle-of-attack unsteady aerodynamics modeling, wide-range measurement of airflow parameters, nonlinear control for high angle-of-attack flight, thrust-vectoring implementation, and unsteady aerodynamic parameter identification, and approaches to address the critic problems therein are presented. The post-stall maneuver for the scaled model of advanced fighter is achieved for the first time in China. The resulting research fruits may provide meaningful technique supports for the achievement of post-stall maneuverability on real advanced fighters.


