
Analysis method of the effects of skin waviness based on RVSM operation requirement

  • 摘要: 飞机静压源附近蒙皮存在波纹度会影响高度测量,进而影响飞机缩小垂直间隔最低标准(RVSM)运行能力的适航取证,因此需要对其影响量进行评估。针对典型波纹度模型,建立了基于小扰动假设的快速分析方法和CFD数值方法,对波纹度的压力影响进行了研究,结合风洞试验数据对研究方法进行了验证。验证结果表明,发展的数值计算方法可用于波纹度模型的评估分析,经900个测压孔数据统计分析,97.8%的数据点计算压力值与试验值的偏差在±0.002以内,计算精度较高;经三维修正的快速分析方法可以较为准确、快速地获得波纹度表面的压力影响量,可作为相关工程问题的快速评估手段。


    Abstract: Skin waviness near the static pressure source affect the accuracy of altitude measurement and the airworthiness of the aircraft's RVSM operational capability. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of small-scale skin waviness. A fast analysis method based on the small disturbance hypothesis and a numerical calculation method based on CFD were established to study the pressure effect of the waviness, and the methods were verified by the wind tunnel test data. The results show that the numerical calculation method can be used to evaluate and analyze the effects of skin waviness with high accuracy. According to the statistical analysis, the pressure deviation between the calculated value and the test value of 97.8% of the 900 pressure-measuring holes is within ± 0.002. The influence of pressure on skin waviness can be obtained accurately and quickly by the modified fast analysis method, which can be used as a rapid evaluation method for related engineering problems.


