Online First

Online first articles have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Uncertainty quantification analysis of aerodynamics/aerothermodynamics due to freestream variation
CHEN Haipeng, JU Shengjun, WANG Xiaowei, GUO Dilong, YANG Guowei
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0051
Extension of the FW-H equation for acoustic velocity prediction
ZHAO Dongxu, WANG Xuheng, SONG Yahui, LIU Qiuhong
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0089
Abstract PDF
Geometric sensitivity analysis of the DSI inlet
SHU Bowen, GAO Zhenghong, HUANG Jiangtao, ZHONG Shidong, ZHENG Haibo
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0010
Uncertainty quantification of Menter SST turbulence model coefficients in hypersonic flow simulations
CHEN Xin, WANG Gang, YE Zheng Yin
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0047
Fast tessellation algorithm for CAD models on anisotropic quadtree grids
XU Jingchao, NI Haonan, LIU Taoran, WEI Xiangli, CHEN Jianjun
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0061
Vortex-induced vibration characteristics of harbor seal whisker under different wakes
SHAN Longxiang, LI Ke, GUO Chengpeng, ZHANG Yang
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0032
Abstract PDF
Research on wind-induced interference effect of adjacent super tall buildings based on two-aeroelastic-model wind tunnel test
SU Linkun, GU Ming
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0049
Transition prediction of boundary layers over an engine nacelle with different outer covers
WEN Hao, SU Caihong, ZHANG Meihong, LIU Kaili, WANG Meili
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0130
Wind tunnal experiment study of wind turbine airfoil flapwise vibration in the traling edge windward load reduction condition
LI Dening, GAO Chuanqiang, LUO Fuqing, ZHANG Weiwei
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0175
Abstract PDF
Analysis of wind turbine power and aerodynamic loads under the influence of four-dimensional spatiotemporal non-uniform wake
GAO Xiaoxia, ZHOU Kuncheng, SHEN Jiaye, ZHU Xiaoxun, WANG Yu, DONG Lijiang
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0229
Effect of pitch angle on the flapping flight and sound generation
WANG Yongtao, ZHOU Zhiteng, WANG Shizhao
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0053
Abstract PDF
Linear stability analysis based on neural network
ZHANG Ershuai, LIU Jianxin, HUANG Zhangfeng
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0031
Initial discontinuity induced non-physical fluctuation and its elimination algorithm
LIU Jun, HAN Fang, SUN Yixuan, LIU Yu
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0203
Abstract PDF
Aerodynamic modeling and active sampling based on uncertainty prediction
ZHANG Zijun, LI Huailu, ZHAO Tong, WANG Xu, ZHANG Weiwei
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0045
Research progress on ultraviolet radiation characteristics of hypersonic vehicles
YUAN Linhui, WANG Yu, SUN Xiaoyi
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0192
Abstract PDF
Machine learning-based study on left atrial appendage hemodynamics in atrial fibrillation patients
LIU Xiaoyu, LIN Hongtao, QIAN Jianghong, CAI Shengze, FAN Hongguang, GAO Qi
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0223
The analysis on Rotor aeroelastic loads characteristic in high speed condition
YU Zhihao, ZHOU Yun, HUANG Shuilin, CHENG Yi, ZHAO Jinrui
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0162
Abstract PDF
Wind tunnel study on wind-induced response characteristics of an aeroelastic model tree
HAO Yanfeng, HUANG Bin
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0014
Investigation and application of ice accretion shape online measurement system for large-scale icing wind tunnel
ZUO Chenglin, MA Jun, WEI Longtao, SUN Dongning, LIU Guanmian, CHENG Zhihang, YI Xian
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0213
Abstract PDF
A new idea for the unified RANS predictions of turbulent mixing induced by interfacial instabilities
XIE Hansong, XIAO Mengjuan, ZHANG Yousheng
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0021
Numerical study of carrier gound temperature field under influence of aircraft jet flow
CHENG Jianhui, WANG Xiao, SHEN Tianrong, XU Baocheng, MENG Xuan
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0224
Dynamic Modeling of a Hypersonic Vehicle with Structure, Aerodynamic and Propulsion Coupling
WANG Gaozhan, XIE Changchuan, LIU Chenyu, CHENG Jie
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0180
Abstract PDF
Application of non-axisymmetric endwall contouring in compressor intermediate duct with a large radius change to length ratio
MAO Xiaochen, LI Min, GAO Limin, WU Yu
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0165
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of droplet deformation in uniform airflow
BIAN Qingyong, ZHU Chengxiang, XIE Wenlong, ZHAO Ning, ZHU Chunling
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0225
Abstract PDF
Effects of chemical non-equilibrium models on stability analysis of blunt wedge boundary layer with high enthalpy
LI Chenhui, WAN Bingbing, TU Guohua, HU Weibo, CHEN Jianqiang, JIANG Chongwen
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0002
Abstract PDF
Design of experiment and regional reconstruction of Wind Tunnel Pressure Test
WEI Wei, XUE Yifei, LIN Jian, CHENG Siye, ZHANG Jiang, CHEN Xing
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0222
Abstract PDF
Modal decomposition and rapid prediction of flow and heat transfer in microtubes of precooler
MA Hangyu, ZHANG Wenqiang, SU Weiyi, AN Hang
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0006
Abstract PDF
Research progress on aerodynamic robust design optimization methods for air vehicles
ZHAO Huan, WANG Shekun, GAO Zhenghong, HUANG Jiangtao
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0234
Development and application of a credibility assessment platform for CFD software
XIAO Wei, LV Luogeng, FU Mou, CHEN Jiangtao, ZHANG Peihong, WU Xiaojun
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0142
Abstract PDF
Aerodynamic characteristics and vortex ring features of propeller in vertical descent
GAO Zeming, SHAO Xueming, WANG Jiading, ZENG Lifang, LI Jun
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2024.0009
Review of wingtip vortex instability and its modal characteristics of large civil aircraft
XIANG Yang, WU Yiming, CHEN Xuanyu, CHENG Zepeng, LIU Hong
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0126
Fast simulation method for three dimensional instability of an aircraft wake vortex pair
XU Ziming, LI Dong, CAI Jinyan, LI Peifan
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0101
Abstract PDF
Buffeting response and mitigation measures of large-span arch bridges during cantilever construction
LIU Jun, NI Zhifu, WEN Yufen, TANG Yu, QIU Enxi, WU Bo
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0174
Abstract PDF
An attitude control scheme for ejection seats based on BP neural network
WANG Min, WU Weitao, FENG Feng, CHEN Jun, WU Mingyu
DOI: 10.7638/kqdlxxb-2023.0143
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